April 29, 2004
Culture Crash!
Whoa! Just got a hold of Culture Crash ish 14! It's fab, as usual!
The "double gatefold cover" pic is a raging Jun. Tucked inside the mangazine is a mr. alien & karin trading card and a double-sized jedd poster! *drools* hehe.
It's a monster issue, 88 glossy pages, features on animax (yey!) war of the emperium, C3 con, how we draw 14 (naked man body! hehe) and lots more! all this for a hundred bucks!
Haven't read all the stories yet, but i hope its worth the wait ^_^ well, excuse me while i immerse in its pages! ja ne!

Posted by purplehaven on April 29, 2004 at 11:46 AM | look in the eyes