May 1, 2004
gliding on ice...
woohoo! another one of those evenings when the house is so quiet (save for the occasional chirps of my lil bro's pet quails) and i have the computer all to myself. my mom and lil bro are off to a wake, and my older bro went to his friend's house. I've been meaning to write hours ago, but my bro was hogging the computer (as usual). adik sa ragnarok eh. no wonder our net card's lifespan is a little less than a week.
got nothing to do this summer? try ice skating! its perfect for this hot, hot season. i went to megamall for my saturdaily lessons, and i fell. Twice. the first one wasn't bad, but the second one, WHAM! I fell. Hard. The cause? tripping on those toe-picks (those claw-like thingies in front of the blade). The result? Two bruises - one on my knee and another near the elbow.
oh, and since i was in megamall, and being a booklover and all, i dropped by national bookstore. and do they have a sale! sweet valley high(and jr high) books are sold for p20! other books are also sold for the same price. i purchased 3 SVH senior year books. i want to go again tomorrow and buy every one of them! (as if i have the money...hehe XD)
my mother said i should read substantial(?) books (read: classics). But she's not really opposed to my buying of sweetvalley and the like. hey, at least one of her kids read. and i happen to like sweetvalley. its something that amuses me, perfect for a bedtime read
well, till then...
got nothing to do this summer? try ice skating! its perfect for this hot, hot season. i went to megamall for my saturdaily lessons, and i fell. Twice. the first one wasn't bad, but the second one, WHAM! I fell. Hard. The cause? tripping on those toe-picks (those claw-like thingies in front of the blade). The result? Two bruises - one on my knee and another near the elbow.
oh, and since i was in megamall, and being a booklover and all, i dropped by national bookstore. and do they have a sale! sweet valley high(and jr high) books are sold for p20! other books are also sold for the same price. i purchased 3 SVH senior year books. i want to go again tomorrow and buy every one of them! (as if i have the money...hehe XD)
my mother said i should read substantial(?) books (read: classics). But she's not really opposed to my buying of sweetvalley and the like. hey, at least one of her kids read. and i happen to like sweetvalley. its something that amuses me, perfect for a bedtime read

well, till then...

Posted by purplehaven on May 1, 2004 at 11:52 PM | look in the eyes